
Automate network performance checks and improve the application delivery experience

Most organizations have converted to a 100% laptop model which combined with bring your own device (BYOD), smartphones, and the internet of things (IoT), these trends make Wi-Fi connectivity essential to business. Data flow is as critical as blood to our brains! Ensure your users are getting the best Wi-Fi connectivity for the best experience possible

Core Capabilities

NETWORK MONITORING Be the first to know what is happening on your network. Know what users experience, what what service providers are delivering, and troubleshoot network problems quickly. Use synthetic traffic to know what is happening at anytime, including when the network is not being used and passive monitoring is unable to provide information. WEB AND APPLICATION MONITORING Your users are connecting to web sites and using applications to make phone or video calls, share documents, screen, using combination of local and cloud based services. Ensure web based, cloud based and voice/video applications are always delivered and quickly pinpoint at problems and identify if this the network or the application.

Key Features


Hawkeye offers a single Web based interface which scales to monitor hundreds of endpoints anywhere in the world. Endpoints sit at remote sites (e.g. branch office or home) and at a data center, headquarters, private or public cloud. They generate synthetic traffic to inject into and receive from the live network, reproducing real users traffic patterns. The synthetic traffic is processed for objective quality metrics and used for insights.


In node-to-node tests, one endpoint generates synthetic traffic and sends it to a second endpoint on a live network. An example would be a branch office to the main office. The receiving endpoint (node) is able to relay information about the quality of the connection to the management interface – where results are displayed in real-time live dashboards. Multiple node-to-node tests can be setup, considered a mesh, where an endpoint can serve both as the origination point of synthetic traffic as well as a recipient of traffic from other endpoints.

In real service tests, an endpoint generates synthetic traffic and sends it to servers or network equipment – it will process the response it receives from the network into objective KPIs to the management interface, where again it it displayed real-time.


Hawkeye makes it simple with the largest application library in the industry; this allows users to generate many kinds of synthetic traffic to pro-actively monitor their live networks.

With the application library, you can:

  • Ensure the quality of experience (QoE) for your users. Emulate Voice and video traffic, covering services like standard Voice over IP (VoIP), unified communications (e.g. Skype for business), or other video conferencing
  • Make sure your users can access business critical applications such as Office 365, Youtube, Dropbox and more.
  • Qualify and maintain network SLAs with diagnostic tools for IP Transport testing – Assess layer 3 network performance indicators (loss, jitter, delay)
  • Validate network services like DNS and Traceroute by quickly diagnosing with ping and resolving any issues
  • Qualify the real capacity of your circuits. Test TCP and UDP traffic throughput over wired or wireless connections. Synthetic traffic can be generated up to line rate


Get visibility into the network topology from a location with a Hawkeye endpoint to any remote location.

The path discovery feature works by using standard protocols packets being sent to the network to find out about nodes being traversed. That is why there is no need for specific software or hardware being deployed on the path nor at the remote location.

Discover application-specific paths by way of configuring the protocol and ports used by an application to discover the route taken by packets to reach the destination.

Path discovery leverages the Hawkeye test execution framework to allow historical data collection and perform analysis in real time or with retrospective views.


Know how your network performance, web and application experience and Wi-Fi experience is against pre-defined KPIs. There are two steps to determining performance.

Step 1: Hawkeye generates synthetic traffic from endpoints and then measures the response from the network, application or Wi-Fi. Metrics are assessed based on the type of traffic.

  • Voice/Video/Unified communication: Mean Opinion Score, delay, jitter, packet loss
  • IP transport metrics: delay, jitter, packet loss, packet loss bursts
  • Bandwidth capacity per class of service, per stream throughput
  • Web site browsing: response time, time to first byte, per file download rate
  • Availability (is there is a response or not)

Step 2: Hawkeye then evaluates the measurements against thresholds, to determine the performance of a network, application or Wi-Fi

  • Default thresholds are based on industry or standards (e.g. ITU, IETF)
  • You can customize thresholds based on your organizations’ business drivers
  • Where no industry standards exist, Ixia uses its extensive in the network test space, to create guidlines for expected performance
  • Metrics are reported pass-fail based on the thresholds configured


Hawkeye includes a real-time dashboards that showcase KPIs and current performance of your network, application service and Wi-Fi. Dashboard are comprehensive and show everything from endpoint deployment on a map, a summary of scheduled tests and ongoing results. With a glance, you know what is going on!

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