Monitoring, Visibility & Test Solutions
Portable & HandHeld Network Analysis/Test
Network analysis tablet, capable of line rate 10gb packet capture, wired & wireless
Network Connectivity Tester to verify port configurations and settings
HandHeld AutoTester is the quickest and most complete copper and fiber cable network connectivity tester
Pocket tool for testing basic connectivity and port configurations
Portable Wireless Testing Products
Hand Held wireless tester to test and verify 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac and wired backhaul
Laptop based wireless troubleshooting and security posture monitoring
L1 Spectrum Analyser and wireless interference identification
Centralised Wireless Monitoring & Testing Products
Cloud based distributed end-user experience monitoring platform
Enterprise Network & Application Visibility
Network Visibility Fabric & TAPS
Aggregation, regeneration, de-duplication, filtering, packet brokers, TAPS etc
Diode, Aggregation, Regeneration, Bypass 1/10/40
contact us to discuss your requirements
With Iris Networks, you’re in safe hands.