Remote Office Wi-Fi Troubleshooting Using AirCheck G3 and EtherScope

Since the release of the AirMapper feature for AirCheck and EtherScope back in July 2020, we have seen a shift in the way wireless engineers and network teams manage distributed networks. Having many discussions with the Wi-Fi and network professional community we are understanding that covid has played a huge part in behaviour and the way they operate.

Today the Aircheck G3 and EtherScope nXG have helped in the shift more than ever before.

Wifi Testing with AirCheck G3

Pre-covid it was widely common for network teams to travel the length and breadth of the UK to distributed networks whenever issues arise. Being onsite to troubleshoot was common practice. However, when covid hit and lockdown was introduced network professionals nation-wide faced challenges of being able to continue to operate networks, from warehouses to NHS hospitals whilst maintaining safety. Challenged with lockdown and reducing contact with people, many network teams turned to NetAlly and their Wi-Fi products such as AirCheck  and EtherScope nXG to help with this.

Using either the AirCheck or EtherScope, network teams could send the tool rather than a person to site. With these tools, engineers were able to set pre-configured tests to be conducted on site, either at the press of a button or remotely. An operative already based at the remote site simply tasked with switching on (with one button) the AirCheck or EtherScope. Remotely the network teams could operate the AirCheck or EtherScope remotely and view and analyse test results instantly using link-live. Proving a much needed view in to the Wi-Fi environment at distributed sites. Additionally with the power of NetAlly’s AirMapper feature, network teams could also conduct passive and active site surveys, helping to maintain optimum performance for existing networks and to plan new networks with ease. Requesting the onsite operative to walk through the area slowly, the network experts could control the AirCheck or EtherScope remotely and again analyse the results instantly from the comforts of their home office.

No need to spend hours in traffic

Network professionals now do not need to travel to each site, they can: “send an AirCheck to our Ireland distribution centre, rather than a person” as one of our customers said. Another of our MSP customers commented “we can now get a standarised visibility into our remote customer networks using an almost self-serve approach, meaning happier customers, faster response times and huge expense reduction”

aircheck connection test

Time for change?

If you are facing a similar situation, where a small subset of specialist engineers are responsible for distributed sites then maybe it’s time to take a look at sending a tool, rather than a person.

Take a look at the AirCheck G3 models HERE, and EtherScope models HERE

Want to try for yourself?

Simply drop your account manager  line, or send us a message and we will send you test units to try out absolutely free of charge!

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