Why Traditional Anti-Phishing Software And Training Doesn’t Work

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Why traditional Anti-Phishing software and Training Doesn't Work.

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As organisations make the decision to return to the office or continue to work from home, security teams are still challenged with the same concerns around protecting the end user, with a rapidly growing and evolving threat landscape. During our customer consultations, we have found that 2 common concerns are often raised throughout organisations:

  • Regardless of what Next Generation Anti Virus or Secure Email Gateway is in place, phishing emails are still making it through 
  • The unfortunate net effect of this is that links are being clicked that shouldn’t be -resulting in escalations, potential clean-ups and worse case successful ransomware attacks. 

With more organisations adopting a work from home policy, it is often reported that now between 4x to 10x the volume of phishing emails are making it through and ultimately being clicked! 

But how is this even possible when they all state that training is in place, and they all are using mail protection and filtering gateways?

We Ask Our Expert Panel - Why Traditional Anti-Phishing Software and Training doesnt Work

Our panel of digital risk experts will be discussing modern phishing attacks, why they are making it through current protection mechanisms and why phishing emails are being successfully executed even though training may already be in place.

We explore how these emails are bypassing current defences, how behaviour can have a positive or negative impact on phishing campaigns along with how company culture can play a key role. 

Understand how to better safeguard against phishing attacks from the user perspective. Learn how organisations can create a culture of cyber awareness within the workplace, home workspace and the hybrid environment which contually thrives.

Dave Baggett Founder and CEO of INKY. 
Dave was co-founder and COO of travel search provider ITA Software, where he oversaw software development, operations, and customer relations, expanding the company to over 500 employees. Google acquired ITA for $700M in April 2011. Dave has a B.S./B.A. in Computer Science and Linguistics from the University of Maryland, College Park and a S.M. in Computer Science from MIT. Dave also volunteers as a member of the US Department of Energy Secretary Advisory Board on AI.
Oz Alashe MBE Founder and CEO of Cybsafe
A former British Army and UK Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel, Oz has a successful track record of developing and leading the specialist application of intelligence, cyber and risk management capability to tackle sensitive challenges in business and government. Oz has extensive experience and understanding in the areas of intelligence insight, complex human networks and the human component of cyber security risk. He is also passionate about helping to reduce societal threats to stability and security by making the most of opportunities presented by advancements in technology.

Fortuné Barnard is a security and digital risk leader
With over 20 years of experience in IT, Security and Digital Risk. He has helped multiple organisations in building and growing their security and digital risk management functions, global SOC, integrated risk management, and security governance.

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