Ixia ThreatARMOR 5 STAR Review – ITPro

The amount and sophistication of cyber-attacks is increasing exponentially and many enterprises are finding their security systems are wilting under the pressure

Malware, ransomware, botnets, zero-day attacks – they’re all on the up, and overworked support staff trying to cope with the daily barrage of alerts are taking too long to respond and investigate.

ThreatARMOR from network performance and security specialist Ixia takes the load off their shoulders by the simple expedient of blocking malware beyond the network perimeter. Instead of analysing each attack, ThreatARMOR checks their IP launch source address against a constantly updated list and blocks them, if they are on it.

The key advantage is that it doesn’t use signature-based analysis, so there are no false positives. By greatly reducing the amount of incoming traffic and alerts, ThreatARMOR also improves firewall performance and IT support productivity.


ixia threatarmor dashboard security


The IP address source list is maintained by Ixia’s Application and Threat Intelligence (ATI) Research Center, which has over a decade of experience. It gathers intelligence on threats including malware, botnets, hijacked IP address ranges and more and makes it available to ThreatARMOR as a constantly evolving database, with updates occurring every five minutes.


In a recent review, ITPro highlight how simple and effective deploying ThreatARMOR is by instantly reducing the load on firewalls by blocking out unwanted and known-bad traffic as well as increasing security defenses against cyber threats


Read ITPro’s verdict of ThreatARMOR here



Announcing the Release of AirMagnet Survey & Planner v9.1

On December 20, 2016, NETSCOUT will release version 9.1 for the AirMagnet Survey products:  AirMagnet Survey PRO, AirMagnet Survey Express, and AirMagnet Planner.  This release adds the capability to import walls into Planner from a CAD file, making VoFi surveys available to all Survey PRO users, new antenna patterns, and feedback we’ve received from our customers on ways to make the tool more valuable and usable.

Highlights of new Survey features

  • CAD Import:

Drawing walls in a floorplan can be a tedious and time consuming task, AirMagnet Survey PRO release 9.1 now allows for walls to be automatically imported from the user’s CAD image of their building, dramatically reducing the time it takes to prepare a floorplan.

Each CAD layer can be individually selected for extraction and given a unique attenuation type to get the most accurate model possible for the site. Extraction allows the user to choose as many or as few layers as needed.  All the same wall attenuation types that are available in Planner for manual wall placement are available for CAD extracted walls.

  • VoFi surveys:

VoFi surveys can be helpful in troubleshooting problem areas in a VoFi deployment; they can provide details about the active call such as WiMOS, roaming frequency, and signal strength.  Traditionally performing VoFi surveys required an installed copy of VoFi Analyzer, but this feature is now being opened up to all users.

VoFi surveys gather data from an active connection between a wireless AP and a VoFi phone. To establish this connection, users generate a call between two phones (one of which must be a VoFi phone; the other may be VoFi or wired) before attempting to start the survey. Once Survey detects the call, the user can start collecting the survey data.  With the differences between individual VoFi phones, users must provide some configuration information in order to ensure that Survey can properly interpret the data received from VoFi surveys. This process consists of the user creating VoFi phone profiles within Survey’s phonebook that correspond to the types of phones in use (or expected to be in use) on the VoFi deployment.

Product availability & Website Updates

  • The new versions of AirMagnet Survey products will be available December 20, 2016. Existing customers under Gold support can download the release from their MyAirMagnet account on the NETSCOUT portal.


Interested in trying out Survey Pro?  Contact us to arrange an evaluation license!

Why Do An RF Wireless Survey?

Iris Networks provide a complete range of services for planning and implementing wireless network solutions.
The best piece of advice we can give you before you embark on your wireless adventure is to do some homework on the company or consultant’s you plan to work with. Ask for proven testimonials and case studies, these will always be provided by businesses with a proven track record.

Unfortunately, we see too many organisations that have had wireless networks installed which have never worked properly or were not fit for purpose. WiFi is easy! How hard can it really be?

Iris Networks have consequently improved these networks beyond measure for the end users but problems are easily avoided in the first place if you choose the right installation partner and you take advantage of a comprehensive wireless survey

What is a Wireless site survey?

A wireless survey is the necessary first step in the deployment of any wireless network. It is the most essential element for providing the wireless coverage you are expecting and it will ultimately help you avoid any disappointment with its desired operation.
All wireless signals are broadcast as radio frequencies (RF). A wireless survey is a process by which a surveyor studies your building to understand the behaviour of the radio frequencies. (RF) The purpose of a wireless survey is to make sure that the wireless you have in place or the wireless you will order is fit for purpose and deliver the business requirements, the first time.

Through the process of RF testing we build a detailed picture of your site. Signal information is collated onto a map which shows the behaviour of the RF signals. The testing will have considered the fabric of your building and signal strength in detail. It will pinpoint any areas prone to interference and will help determine he appropriate placement of wireless access points to provide the best coverage and capacity. An interference survey is always carried out as part of the survey process. Heat mapping alone is only one part of the process remember. If you do not understand the impact of interference sources on a wireless network, then the first mistake in the design has been made.

Signal Strength is most commonly known as ’coverage’ and it is the basic requirement for a wireless network.


RF coverage is easy to achieve and in today’s performance hungry networks, device capacity is more important than coverage.


As a general guideline, low signal strength means unreliable connections and low data throughput. This will have a direct bearing on the way any device connected to the wireless network performs. Therefore, a survey such as this is a great way to check the health of your existing network and asses any negative interference and/or Access Point connectivity.
The results of a proper site survey provide the detailed information that addresses coverage, device capacity, interference sources, equipment placement, power considerations and cabling requirements. The site survey documentation will also serve as a guide for the network design and for the installation of your wireless infrastructure.
Be careful not to underestimate the effort and resources required to properly survey, design and deploy a wireless network. We have seen experienced IT professionals make the same mistakes time and again. You cannot just throw a few access points where you think they are most needed, or that the managed wireless controller that is sitting in your communications cabinet will take care of everything. Your wireless signal is impacted by many elements including neighbouring wireless networks, cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, microwaves, alarm systems and even plumbing.

Not all wireless surveys are equal and it can be quite difficult to tell if that person walking around your site knows what they are doing.

Here are a few things to look out for:

  • Make sure they want to attend site to carry out the survey. If your offered a remote survey without the vendor ever visiting site be aware that a remote survey will not answer any of the questions needed to design a robust wireless network.
  • Hopefully you are asked pertinent questions relating to your current number of devices and usage patterns and your aspirations for the future use of your network. This shows that the company you are dealing with is consultative and you’re not just going to get a prescriptive solution. One size does not fit all!
  • You have been asked for a plan of your building so that it can be incorporated into the software package that tests you RF coverage.
  • Make sure they take their time and check your whole building, they should also check the communications cabinet to make sure you have space for the supporting infrastructure requirements such as available switch ports, power over Ethernet (POE), electrical power, and rack space needed to support the installation. They may also want to test existing cables that you plan to utilise or look at potential routes for new cabling and containment.

These are just a few things to look out for when choosing who provides your wireless solution. You will pay for a properly designed network with your time or your money when you must redo the work. Our customers save time and money by avoiding poorly designed and deployed wireless networks. You have Iris Networks on hand providing radio frequency & interference analysis, cabling, coverage and all the capacity information needed to deploy a high performing, secure and reliable wireless network.

Determining the right WiFi strategy for entire organisations reduce the risks and costs associated with the correct requirement and implementation of each project, ensuring the correct best practice for each project is adhered too and value is given.
To assist your company in successfully navigating these changes, Iris Networks provide a complete service offering which focuses as much on the company’s core business as on the technology.


Getting it right first time is very important to you and us


Expertise, agility and quality are the key principles behind Iris Networks activities. In addition to its Consulting, Technological Integration, Change and Project Management and Maintenance & Support abilities, Iris Networks can provide extensive technological expertise in relation to every single building block of each WiFi project.


Survey Solutions:
RF Audits
Interference Surveys
RF Analysis Surveys
AirCheck G2 Surveys
AirMagnet Survey Pro
Ekahau Survey
Fluke OptiView XG
Cabling Services
Support Services

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