Iris Networks will be hosting our very own wireless fundamentals training course.
This 1 day course will teach you the basics around wireless networking, delivered by one of our Cisco CCNP R&S, CCNP Wireless and CWNE accredited consultants.
We are currently building the agenda for this course which we will be announcing, along with a date for the course shortly
If you would like to receive a notification when the course details are announced, please fill in the form below;
[av_contact email=’[email protected]’ title=’Sign up to receive details on our training course’ button=’Submit’ on_send=” sent=’Your message has been sent!’ link=’manually,http://’ subject=’Wireless Training Fundamentals: Information Request ‘ autorespond=’Thank you for requesting details on our wireless fundamentals training course.
We will contact you in due course once the dates have been confirmed
Kind regards
Iris Networks
01925 357 770 ‘ captcha=” color=”]
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